Thursday, March 22, 2012


Thursday, March 22, 2012
I have a cold. The sore throat, the runny nose, the sore feeling behind my eyes...meh. Double, triple meh.

So while trying to rest up on my couch and kick this germ as quickly as possible, I've been trawling through photos of couples on their wedding day.

These ones made me swoon "awww..."

Love to you all, 

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Thursday, March 15, 2012
From slightly overweight (damn you BMI and your harsh words) to long and lean like Jennifer Aniston (my ideal) in the blink of an eye. Don’t I wish.

I keep seeing these purely disgusting ads on TV for some sort of magic potion that you drink and it expands in your stomach leaving hardly any room for you to eat food. Apparently Sophie lost 20kgs in 14 days by drinking this magic potion. The thought of these kind of ‘lose weight fast’ products makes me feel physically sick. Who on earth would put themselves through something so vile? After a bit of Googling, I’ve discovered some horrible side effects to these magic potions and know too well that they are actually more like the devils juice than anything else (not sure why but that instantly makes me think of Michael Jackson and his Jesus Juice. Eww).

Meal replacement shakes. Fat blaster tablets. Expand in the belly potions. NO, NO AND NO.

A well balanced diet and regular exercise leads to a healthy lifestyle - it’s not rocket science and everyone knows this is the healthy way to drop fat, but my goodness gracious me, it is hard work. How do I stop going for the trusty old favourites like hot chips and donuts and stick to nutrient rich quinoa, fresh vegetables, high protein meals and most importantly, sugar free snacks. HOW I ASK YOU. It seems impossible.

One of my favourite bloggers, Amanda @ Me Vs The Bulge, makes it seem so easy, even though from reading her blog I know too well that in fact, it’s not been easy at all. She is just so determined and strong willed. Inspirational she is. She has me hanging on her every word, simply because I love reading her story and seeing her progress. She is looking so amazing after losing something crazy like 25kgs. She is currently training for a Sports Model contest which is being held in a few weeks, and I can’t wait to see some photos because she already looks like a winner.  

But for me, there will be no sports model competition to get me motivated. Simply a white dress. One white dress that is going to change me in so many ways, and I’m mostly talking physically, sister. Kyha over at OneDay Bridal has sketched me a stunningly fabulous dress which gives me six months to get myself in tip top shape before she starts creating the dream dress. Scary but ever so exciting at the same time.

Love to you all, 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Wednesday, March 7, 2012
It’s really just been one of those weeks at work, the kind of week that you find yourself sitting in disbelief at the random things people come to you with… “the printer says it’s out of paper….the fridge smells…is this the photocopier?... I don’t know how to use my own brain…can you think for me Natalie?”.


All harmless questions yes, but surely there is more to life than cleaning out our office fridge?! It’s weeks like these that I find myself sitting on the train traveling to work, completely lost in my own thoughts as I brainstorm get rich quick ideas. The thought of no more sucky Sandringham train line is like a little piece of heaven.

Last week I found an article on herb farming. Is there anything I can do with that? Ryan was baffled when he received my email with the article attached. He called me straight away “Herb farming? Seriously….herb farming?”. I had to laugh because he was right. As if I was going to start herb farming. Although, I do quite like the idea of having my own little herb patch, planting them, nurturing them, packaging and selling them. How much could I make on a bunch of sage…two dollars? Hardly worth my time but I do quite like the idea. Home all day long, tending to my little herbs, relaxing with some tea in the backyard. Bliss.

If only I had a skill. Something I was good at. Something that could possibly turn into a nice little income. Reading magazines for a living? Eating donuts for cash? Going on luxury holidays to earn a wage?

One of my dear friends and I recently sat down and turned to each other in slight desperation trying to give each other some awesome, never before heard of, fabulous, millionaire making ideas. We came up with nothing. Nothing that hasn’t been done before. Nothing revolutionary. We resigned to the fact that we get paid pretty good money in our current jobs and that’s really all we need at the moment. Sigh, sigh, giant big fat sigh.  

It just takes one idea. Share a good one with me and I may even split my profits with you when I hit the big time. 

Love to you all,