Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Wednesday, November 23, 2011
I was a bridesmaid for one of my nearest and dearest friends, Louise. She was a stunning bride, one of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen.

Her love story is quite romantic. Louise was spending a few months travelling around the world, seeing the most wonderful sights, when her then boyfriend Peter flew to the other side of the world to surprise Louise. It was on their travels that he proposed to her in Paris (oh la la). She said yes, they travelled some more and finally, they returned home to Melbourne engaged. It was such an exciting time, not only because Louise was planning a wedding and what is more exciting than that, but also because she was home again after being away for 6 months seeing the world. There was just so much for us to catch up on!  

Their wedding was held in Williamstown, in a gorgeous church, followed by a reception at Pellicans Landing. I've never seen Louise as happy as she was the day of her wedding, she is always such a happy person anyway, but on her wedding day, she just seemed so much happier, smiling and laughing all day, and just so in love. The ceremony was lovely but the reception, what a blast! We just danced the entire night away. None more so than Louise, who not only busted a groove with every guest, but she and Peter did a choreographed dance that was pretty damn amazing.

Some bits and bobs that I loved:
  • The cake that Peter designed and surprised Louise with
  • The first dance to Mary J Blige's song 'I Found My Everything'
  • The amazing bouquet of tropical flowers that were just so different to your typical bouquet, they were just gorgeous 
  • The husband and wife fish centre pieces which also doubled as presents for people to take home!
I've known Louise since we were in primary school. She was my first friend at a new school and we've remained besties ever since. We survived high school together, spent many years nightclubbing together (so many cringe worthy memories), spent holidays together and have shared pretty much everything in between together. The thing about Louise is that she has never changed, she has always been the same person all of the years I've known her, and that is truly wonderful.

Through Louise, I met Shanelle, and the rest is history. The three of us became amazingly close and for the past 12 years, we have been there for each other in good times and in bad. You could say that we're as good as married to each other. Best friends until death do us part.

Champagne while geting glam
Shanelle, Jenny, Louise, Kathy, Natalie
The wedding party in Williamstown Gardens
the gorgeous bride
Mr & Mrs Grey

And so, Louise and I now count down the days until we celebrate with Shanelle at her wedding. Not only is she marrying the man of her dreams, but she is marrying the man she first met at Louise & Peter's wedding. Awww.

Love to you all,

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